Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Okay, so for yesterday afternoon I ended up spraying weed killer around the rocks on the patio and in front of the porch. Since our grandson likes to play in the rocks around the patio, we refuse to use something chemical that could harm him. We use the vinegar, salt and soap solution and it works really well.

About an hour later

That evening

The recipe I use is 1 gallon vinegar, 1/2 cup salt, 2 Tablespoons dish soap. I spray the whole weed and then concentrate on the roots. Make sure you get enough on the plant to saturate it. The best time to spray them is in the early afternoon, after the dew is gone, but with direct sun. 

Mocha's litter. Gettin big:) They are starting to get adventurous. Won't be long and they will be hopping out of the box.

We have a new litter of 7 beautiful Creme d'Argents:) Popcorn did a wonderful job. Very proud of her for being a first time doe.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Busy day so far. Scrubbed the whole side of the barn (where dogs used to be and made a mess of); scrubbed rabbit bowls and feeders; scrubbed Domino's cage (he's our Dutch buck and sprays everything! He BETTER make pretty babies or he will be replaced!!); 2 loads of laundry done and on the line. Time for lunch and see what this afternoon brings:)

Today is also another bunny watch day. Popcorn is in labor!
Since it was too wet to plant yesterday, we were "Weed Warriors". Trimmed out a lot of weeds along the garden fence. We actually dug up all the sod so we won't have to trim it all the time.

Good news. The annual rye grass that we started in the compost lot is taking off nicely. It's a little sparse because of the downpour and all the rain we got right after putting it out, but we're happy it's growing. Will be trying to get some more out soon.

We are also working on some ideas for drying the grasses, plantain, chickweed, dandelions, etc. for hay for the rabbits. We have some ideas on how to reuse the chicken pen to make some drying racks. Will post pictures when we get a chance to make it. It's currently at the bottom of a VERY long to-do list.

Popcorn (creme) is due today. I put a box in for Nibbles (rex) today. We're not sure if she's pregnant or not. She was only bred one time and it was the first time for her and Scooter, so we'll see. No big deal either way.

Had a great weekend. Today, the sun is shining for now. Supposed to storm this afternoon. Who knows.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Having a family day today. Will be making some zucchini bars and mac and cheese for the potluck. There are so many things I want to make for today. It's all things that Dewayne and I are not supposed to eat any more. This way, I can get the taste of it but not have to worry about eating too much of it. Everyone else can help clean it up. Good thing we have a family that likes to eat!

Friday, April 26, 2013


WOO HOO!! All signs point to a new litter coming:) Popcorn was working like crazy on her nest.

 Poor thing. She's stretching out trying to get more comfortable. She's so big:)

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I am officially declaring war.......on SQUIRRELS! I have some potted flowers on the porch that I started from seed that are just starting to sprout and those stinking squirrels are digging them up. THIS IS WAR!!!
 Yummmmm...squirrel soup comin up:)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mocha's 8 at 1 week

All of them are doing great!
There's one laying on it's back. So cute!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rain barrel......

     We have a couple of 55 gallon barrels that we will be using as rain barrels when we get time to adapt them for what we need. Since we haven't had time to work on them yet, and I knew we would be getting a LOT of rain, I just moved it over under the edge of the carport where I've seen the rain dripping off before.  Needless to say, when we recently got our 5 1/2 inches of rain, it filled up the barrel. Now, all I have to do is figure out how I'll get the water out. Hmmmm..............

Are you a prepper?

     I've heard people make fun of preppers. Not all preppers are crazy! Not everyone that prides themselves as a prepper are planning for the zombie takeover. Most of them are just planning for the inevitable. Power outages, flooding, tornadoes, etc....in a word, NATURE. It's gonna happen sometime. Look at the area around us now. Record flooding. Town evacuations. Not good.
     Being any kind of prepper means to be prepared for something like this. Having food, water and medications  stocked up. Have a plan of action. Where are you going to go if you have to evacuate? Do you have what you need to survive if you can't just run to the store? We can get to our nearby "city", but what will be available when we get there? So many roads and bridges are closed, can the delivery trucks even get there to re-supply everything? Can gas trucks get to the gas stations?
     If being a "prepper" is someone who thinks ahead and tries to see what may happen and try to have a plan in mind, then I guess I am a prepper. Are you? If you are not now, maybe you need to be.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spring flowers but........

Spring flowers but where's the spring??

Just got 2 cherry tomatoes, 2 banana peppers and 2 Ashley cucumber plants in the front garden. These are the heirloom varieties that we started as seeds. We also have the kale, lettuce, endive and radishes in this garden. On to the big garden next!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Even though we've been battling our flooded basement for two days, we are still so grateful for what we have. Some people have no home at all because of the flooding. I will take the flooded basement any day over losing everything!

Mocha's litter of 8

They are Black Otter Rex/Creme d'Argent

Thursday, April 18, 2013

We officially have 8 new bunnies. Mocha did a great job and appears to be a relaxed and great momma. More boxes go in in a few weeks. Fingers crossed!


Over five inches of rain in 24 hours with more on the way. C'MON ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Poor Mocha. She couldn't decide if she wanted to eat or build her nest. She took a bite or two and went back to the nest building:)

Movement in the box. WOOHOO! YEAH! YIPPEE!!

Baby bunny day!?

Got some fur pulled and a momma working feverishly on her nest. C'mon Mocha! Let's see what you've got:) So excited!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We're supposed to be getting about 3.5" of rain in the next few days. I went out and set up a make shift way of catching some of the water. May as well take advantage of the rain while we get it. Before you know it, we'll be praying for it!
When you need to replace your pots and pans, buy cast iron cookware. Learn how to cook with it, season it, and cook with it over a fire. Cast iron cookware is very versatile and can be used indoors on the stove, on a wood burning stove or outdoors. I have had cast iron for many years and have really grown to like cooking with it. As I needed to replace the other pots and pans that would have all the non-stick stuff wear off, I got cast iron. Now, I have just a few pots that are not cast iron, but they are enamel that can also be used over a fire outside.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dewayne and I have been researching and talking about starting our own foddering system. Growing our own food for the rabbits would help drastically cut down on the cost of feed. We plan to grow our own rye grass and cut it for hay, along with harvesting as much dandelions, chickweed, plantain and berry leaves that we can. I think it would be very interesting to try it and see what happens. You never know until you try.
Our water wagon. No more stretching the garden hose all over the entire property. Just fill it up, and take it where you need it.
We had a "helper" with the weeding. This is Mudd.

He didn't get to "help" for very long. Kept getting in the way, knocked over the wheel barrow when he tried to get in it, and kept trying to chew on the handles of  the pitchfork, rake (even when we were using it), pretty much everything and everyone.
I added a few new pictures on the rabbitry page.
Got a lot done this weekend. Besides weeding and planting the compost lot, we got some rabbitry cleaning done. Dewayne finished up the hay feeders too.

War of the Weeds

We started the war of the weeds this weekend. This is the compost lot. Before:

Roots and all were removed. Now it's all planted in annual rye. Hopefully, we won't be seeing the weeds again. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Worked on the compost lot today. Getting rid of all the weeds and will be planting annual rye. The rye will be cut as hay for the animals and will be much better to look at than the horse weeds that are currently there.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Had a little fur pulled today. Fingers crossed!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

We were expecting two litters of bunnies and got nothing. Trying not to get down about it though. We'll keep plugging along until things fall into place. They will eventually, just have to wait.  Another box goes in tomorrow and one on Sunday.
We got about 1.7 inches of rain since last night. The temperature is horrible at 42. Where did the nice weather go?! Come on, let's get back to spring!

On a gardening note, the radishes, lettuce, kale and potatoes are starting and the daffodils are blooming. I guess we'll see what this stupid weather does to everything.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I'm almost at 400 page views on this blog. Share it with friends and I welcome ideas on what you would like to see more of.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I have another flower garden worked up and some more pots ready to plant. We're supposed to be getting heavy rains tomorrow so I will wait a little while longer before planting.

Monday, April 8, 2013

     Rabbitry management would be so much easier if the doe could say, "Hey, I'm in labor. Tonight's the night." At least you would be able to check on them. This waiting thing can get stressful. We currently have two does that we are waiting to kindle. Today is day 30, so we'll see what happens.
To those that have children still at home. Leave the dishes in the sink, leave the laundry where it is. Go play with your kids. Go build a fort, or a tent or go play with dolls or have a tea party.Time goes by so fast and your kids are so precious. Take time for them today or don't expect them to take time for your later!
Got more of the garden worked up. Planted onions and endive.
Our garden helper over the weekend.

He got paid with hugs and animal crackers. LOL. 
Tools of the trade.

This was one of our recent purchases. We found it at a resale shop for $20. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

     Supposed to be around 60 today. Beautiful! Gonna rain this weekend. Rain is fine but no storms please. Let's see how much I can get done outside today.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Such a beautiful day! Picking up sticks, racking up some left over leaf mulch, pitchforking hay. Who needs to go work out in a gym when you can do WORK! Lovin' it!
I have a great nephew being born today (hopefully). Baby Abel James will be here shortly. Hope he doesn't cause his Mama to much trouble:)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I've been working on our garden book out in the cabin today.

Fire in the wood stove, drinking my homemade hot chocolate and watching Mudd out the window.
"Work" doesn't get better than this!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Got the garlic in tonight.
Worked on some rabbit cages. We expect more tomorrow.
We have a few Champagnes we will get this weekend. Still looking for a few more Champagne does.

We are also considering getting another goat soon. Mudd needs a companion and will need help with the weed eating since he doesn't eat much. Haven't decided exactly what kind of goat we'll get yet. Talked to a lady about Nubians which are our favorite breed. I don't want a bottle baby. They need a little more time and attention than I will have. Plus they tend to go through our lot fence and generally be a pain! I love to watch baby goats play, but I am not looking for a huge headache. I would like one about six months or so. Young enough, but not to young. We'll see.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Here's a money saving tip: Don't pay for gym memberships, go work in your garden! Fresh air, good workout and you reap what you sow.

Got the taters in the ground!

With gardening time just around the corner (finally!!), I start thinking back to when I was a kid. We would have a small garden at home, but my grandpa loved gardening and had a big one every year. Mom and us kids would go help grandma at canning time in exchange for some canned items to take home. I remember snapping beans and shelling peas in particular. I can't really recall if I liked doing it or not. Wouldn't have mattered any way, we still had to do it!

Now when I do the canning, I wish I could call grandma with a canning question, or grandpa with a gardening question. I have some of grandpa's old gardening books. Guess that will have to do.
I spent some time out in the goat pen picking up branches for a fire. Mudd (the goat) decided to "help". When I would bend over to pick up a branch, guess who decided that was the perfect spot to stand. I had to reach around or under him about every time!
At least I had company and one-on-one time with him!
I think it's a little strange how people get all weird about us eating our rabbits. You can have your opinion, sure, but don't judge us when we don't judge you for going to buy YOUR meat at the grocery store. EXCUSE ME! Still Meat! At least we know exactly where our meat comes form.

Hoping to get some more rabbits soon. We are looking for a trio of Champagne d' Argents. They will be our last purchase of stock. From now on, we will be no longer taking any chances with bringing in new stock and will be focusing on our own lines within each of our preferred breeds: Standard Rex, Dutch, Creme d'Argents and the Champagnes.