About Us (updated 11/16/2017)

My husband Dewayne and I (Angie) were both raised respecting the woods and the animals in it. We both come from families that were taught how to respect and properly use guns for hunting and self protection. We both had families where our dads hunted for meat, and on a lot of occasions, that was our ONLY meat. We grew up eating squirrels, rabbits and deer. We had gardens and were thrifty with as much as possible.

My family raised rabbits, goats and chickens. Some of my best memories are of our pet goats. (I spent one summer in the hammock reading a book, with my pet baby goat right there in it with me!)

Dewayne's family raised rabbits and chickens. He hunted with his dad and brother and had to help with firewood. He has wonderful memories of he and his brother packing a lunch and taking off in the woods to spend the day. Times were a lot different back then.

When we talked of our future together, it consisted of a home with property for animals and gardens. A place to call home and raise our kids the way we were raised. We've been married over 30 years now and have two grown sons and two grandchildren.

Besides raising rabbits we also raise chickens, and we grow our own herbs and veggies. I also make our soap, salves, laundry soap and various other products. I can as much as possible: tomatoes, green beans, relishes, pickles, jellies, potatoes and even meat. We dry our herbs by dehydrating or by hanging to dry. We have wild black raspberries that take over more of the property every year (not complaining)

Over all of these years, we have tried to learn as much as possible about doing things for yourself, being self reliant in as much as possible. We have learned various skills and look forward to learning more. We enjoy the outdoors and are out in the woods as much as possible. We are honing our skills on living off the land daily.

Join us on our journey and feel free to add comments or questions. Just be nice! This is the way we do things  and we  are by no means telling someone else the way they should do them. If you don't like the idea of us eating our animals, then please feel free to move off the site! To everyone else, welcome to our lives:)


  1. Hi All,

    Do you sell eggs?

  2. We do not currently. If you are local, I can let you know if/when we do start selling them. Thanks for checking out our blog:)


We welcome your thoughts and comments. Just be nice or your comments will be deleted. We raise our rabbits for meat. If this bothers you, please feel free to get off the site.