Thursday, October 31, 2013

I'm getting real tired of all this rain! I went out to get some rabbits to breed and they just sat there and looked at me like, "Are you freakin' kiddin'?"  Guess these raining days affect us all. Maybe if we get a few sunny days, I can get the breedings all caught up.
We have decided to build on to the rabbitry in the very near future. Eventually, we will have room for another sixteen working does.

We are also looking for a trio of Californian rabbits. Dewayne has really been wanting these for a long time.We know where we can get a pair, so we'll see how it all turns out.
I missed canning so I cleaned out some tomatoes I had put in the freezer. Actually, I need to clean out the freezer any way since it is so full (zucchini, corn, rabbit, tomatoes, berries, etc) This batch of tomatoes I got 3 quarts of juice. I have a big box still to process, but will have to be another day.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

We have four healthy new mini rex babies. There is one solid black and 3 broken blacks.

Monday, October 21, 2013

We have a new litter of Cremes that should be kindled today. Popcorn was pulling hair this morning. She's a wonderful mother so we'll see how many she has this time.
We had a wonderful, relaxing weekend. Had the grandbabies on Saturday for awhile. We spent some time out in the cabin cooking soup on the wood stove.  Today or tomorrow, I will be canning the rest of the soup. We picked a few more tomatoes that I need to can also. Guess it's time to get this week started.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

We like to reuse things around here. We use the canning lids only once when canning. We reuse the lids though to put on the rabbit cages with their ear number, call name and DOB. We spray paint them white and then use a sharpie to write with.
We also used the lids to mark the different varieties of tomato plants. Works great!
I have saved enough marigold and calendula seeds to plant about an acre of each next year. Well, maybe not an acre, but there will be lots to plant and harvest.

We saved the last batch of our best green beans to harvest them for seeds. Don't know if that's the way your supposed to do them or not, but it's worth a try.

Just a quick list of items canned, frozen or dried from the farm this year:
Tomatoes (juice, whole and ketchup), green beans, pickles, black raspberry jelly, grape syrup, rabbit, lemon grass, rosemary, lemon verbena, Greek oregano, summer sage, thyme, lavender, hyssop, Calendula, chocolate mint, spearmint, peppermint, chives, onions, garlic, zucchini, sauerkraut, soldier beans and basil.

We grew potatoes but they are all gone already, They were very tasty:)

If I think of more, I'll be sure to add them. We are very happy with our work this year and know what needs to be added to for next year. (like LOTS more potatoes, lol)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Canned seven more quarts of tomato juice yesterday. I realized that I have missed the canning. I guess its about time to drag out all the berries we picked this summer and get at that jelly making.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

This morning while I was making tomato juice, I had some visitors. It was our daughter-in-law and grandkids.
Of course, Camden, being four years old, has to always see what we are doing. After about twenty questions, firing one after the other with hardly a breath between, he slid the chair over to "help".  He was really excited and had to show me his muscles and tell me how strong he is so he could help crank the food mill. So cute. He really was a big help, until Spongebob came on.....then I lost him!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Woke up this morning to an awesome litter of 8 from Iris (Creme d'Argent). This is a crossbreed with our Champagne d'Argent buck, Champ. This litter is for meat only, none will be sold for any reason. Actually, in our experience, we have had an awesome meat rabbit come from the crossbreeds. The ones we have done with the Cremes and the Rex seem to grow to butchering size faster than the purebreds. Can't wait to see how these guys do.