We raise pedigreed Californian and Rex rabbits. We are members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. We are DIYers of many things and enjoy the outdoors. We are beginners at a lot of things, aiming at being experts, but happy with where we currently are.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Got a few plants started tonight:. The house smells like dirt, lol!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Dewayne got the rabbitry cleaned out today. Now we have a huge pile of black gold sitting in the garden waiting for Spring.
Jasmine and Jasper
Looking at me, wondering what their mother is doing getting so far away from them (about 10 feet, lol)
Friday, February 21, 2014
McCabe's Glory, our Broken Blue Otter Mini Rex, is pulling fur and working on her nest today. Her due date is tomorrow so I guess we'll see what we get this time. Last time she had one baby, a blue otter. Nice baby but need more than one in a litter! That baby was fostered to one of our Champagne d'Argent does that also kindled that day.
I got some amazing smelling lotion made yesterday: Lemon Cake:)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Lots of breedings in the rabbitry today. Check out the Upcoming Litters: March page!!
Monday, February 17, 2014
The baby goats have discovered that they can jump up and stand on their mothers back while she is eating. They are getting very comical. When you talk to them they actually are paying attention. They are also learning their names.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
We added to our Californian herd today. We brought home two more does from Jerry Hicks, one buck from Wayne Schafer and a buck from David & Sara Klindt. Very excited about these awesome rabbits!
Peoria Area Rabbit Breeders Association show at the Avanti's Dome in Pekin, Illinois today.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Well, I got the chores done late today, now everyone is mad at me. Didn't get no attention today. Everybody just got right at their food. Go figure! It'll be okay though. They will like me tomorrow morning when the chores are done WAY early.
Friday, February 14, 2014
We lost two litters in the last few days. The mothers didn't pull hardly any fur. One litter of 3 Rex and litter of 9 Champagnes. Very irritating! This is the biggest litter of Champagnes that we've gotten so far.
Jasper (new baby goat) got disbudded yesterday. It looks like the vet did a good job. He looks a little funny today of course, but acts perfectly fine. Still not sure if his sister, Jasmine is naturally polled or not. We think she is, but she may just be getting her horns slower than him. We'll keep an eye on her and see.
Monday, February 10, 2014
It is official now....CHANGING WINDS is our registered herd name with the American Dairy Goat Association. Woo hoo!
I am very irritated at our Broken Black Otter Rex doe (Nibbles) this morning. When I did the chores, I saw that she had just had her litter. She did not pull any fur to cover them. They were still moving, but barely. They were very, very cold. I grabbed the whole box, went down to Flipper, our Champagne D'Argent doe that has a litter that's starting to get in and out of the box on their own, and grabbed several hand fulls of her nesting material and shoved it in Nibbles' nest box. Bringing it in the house I warmed up the babies, lined the little bit of nest that Nibbles had made with the material from Flippers box and put everyone in it, covering it with more Flipper material. They are now squirming around and making noise. I guess we will have some house guests for a few days. I will take the box to Nibbles a few times today for her to feed. As it was, it took two months for her to even lift for this breeding, and it wasn't for Scooter, our Rex buck. She finally lifted for Zippo, our Creme d'Argent. GRRRR.........Nibbles is very high on my watch list!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Watching and waiting.....waiting and watching.....still empty nest boxes....bummer!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Jasmine and Jasper...they are growing nicely. They were born last Friday. Their weights as of today are Jasmine: 3#10 oz and Jasper 5# 14 oz
Friday, February 7, 2014
We have officially made the decision that the new Nigerian Dwarf babies born to Kneehi last week will be staying here at Changing Winds Farm. Jasper will be trained as a pack goat, while Jasmine will be a momma and milker.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Here on our website, you'll see the rabbitry open at the bottom. We do this for ventilation for the summer time and nicer weather. It's great...not too much air, no drafts on the rabbits, usually. Since this winter is what it is, we stapled up gunny sacks all around the bottom. This still lets in air, but blocks the wind. When it's a nicer day, I will leave the door open and pull the gunny sacks back to allow air flow through the building. We have a few feed sacks that I put up only if the severe weather is coming, otherwise, that area is left open for ventilation. If you walk in to your barn or rabbitry and the ammonia smell smacks you in the face, you probably need to get things opened up somehow. That is NOT good for the critters.
Monday, February 3, 2014
We're supposed to get 6-8 inches of snow starting tomorrow afternoon with an additional amount this weekend. YUCK!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Unfortunately, we lost little Janey last night.
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