Saturday, February 21, 2015

We are on a search for a new breed to add to the rabbitry.....HAVANAS!

I'm excited about the research that we've done on this breed. We are looking for the Chocolate and broken Chocolate varieties. We'll see what we can find.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

We were looking forward to the Pekin show this weekend, but decided to stay home instead.

Dewayne's dad has been in the hospital since last week and we don't know for sure when he will be getting home. Also, our youngest son David was gone for his AT and just got back, so obviously looking forward to seeing him.

Oh well, next month is sanctioned for Rex in Bloomington, so we will be gearing up for that one.
Hope to see a lot of them there.
SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of this cold!! The wind is completely horrid today.