Monday, November 30, 2015

I have one chicken that gets out of the pen every day. She actually jumps/flies the coop daily several times a day. I think she must not like the other chickens since she doesn't seem to want to be around them much. She prefers to spend her time in the goat pen. I knew she had to be laying her eggs somewhere and decided to start looking. Found a nest of 11 under the goat bench in their stall in the barn. I have to literally get on my hands and knees to be able to reach the nesting area.
I think I'll name the chicken Freedom. I can just picture her yelling that as she hops the fence every day. FREEDOM!!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

I've been doing a lot of thinking. I am at a point in my soap hobby to decide which way I want to go. I have a few loyal customers that enjoy my products. I have a few wholesale customers as well. I am trying to decide whether to go full steam ahead with all of my plans for the year 2016, or to keep things as a hobby.
For several years, I have made our own soap. I started with several different recipes that I found on the web and in soap-making books. I tweaked them over the years to make them mine. I really enjoy making soap. I guess it's a creative outlet. I can switch out an oil and use something different to see what I create. I also make our own laundry cream, lotions, salves, powder, body spray, lip flavor, and I have made toothpaste and deodorant. I have had a lot of people wanting deodorant actually. I still haven't found a good recipe on that yet. I will not sell anything that I wouldn't use myself or want my name on. I haven't really committed much time to it either. Maybe I should think about that for the future.

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!