To get through the winter, we sold all of our chickens and scaled back on the rabbits.
The chickens decided to stop laying so we didn't need to feed them for nothing. Either they got to eat, or we did. If we get more this year, we will only get about 6. That's plenty of eggs for us and they can help with scratching around out in the barn. They really make things easier to clean when they keep things from packing down.
In the winter, we bring the goats to the barn for easier chores and to keep them close. Hopefully Spring is coming soon and the goats stay out most of the time. They prefer being outside. I walk them to the garden most days now so they can clean up from last year. The garden got away from us last year with weeds and grass since we couldn't be out there all the time, so the goats are loving it now. It also keeps us from buying hay.
We plan to move the fencing for the pastures pretty soon. We will take the fencing out farther into the woods, making it narrower up by the barn to allow for more garden space. The garden HAS to produce a lot this year. We are getting low on canned food and have very little income now. We have to grow as much as possible.
We raise pedigreed Californian and Rex rabbits. We are members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. We are DIYers of many things and enjoy the outdoors. We are beginners at a lot of things, aiming at being experts, but happy with where we currently are.