We belong to a frugal living group on facebook. It amazes me sometimes that the way Dewayne and I grew up seems to be "new ideas" for some people. Its always nice to be reminded of the obvious and it's good to get new ideas, but sometimes I am still amazed.
Growing up in the boondocks, we always had to be frugal with water. For showers, we would get wet, turn off the water, lather, turn on the water to rinse. Dewayne remembers even getting "showers" with the garden hose out in the yard. Sharing tub water was also common.The kids took turns using the water in the tub, starting with the cleanest kid first.
If we ever went out to eat, it was a treat. It was not the normal routine at all. We were lucky if we went out once every other year. Home cooked meals, sitting around the family table, was the way it was done. Our families grew our own gardens and processed the food for storage, they hunted rabbits, squirrels and deer. We didn't grow up turning our nose up at eating the cute little critters. It was eat them or go hungry.
We grew up in the country, about 20 minutes to the nearest grocery store. You made the trip to town worth the gas. You didn't just go because you ran out of ketchup. You made due until you needed enough groceries to make sense.
We also never owned a dishwasher. Unless you ask mom, then she would say she had three of them, me and my two sisters. When a meal was over, dishes were done. Wash water in one side of the sink, rinse water in the other. Dishes were quick and little water was used. Now people brag they only run the dishwasher once a week. I'm sorry, but how many dishes do you own if everything is used once then put in the dishwasher to sit for a week. We don't even own that many dishes! Dishwasher use more water then you would possibly need if you did them by hand.
Another way to save money and water...do your laundry in the bath tub. Mom and my older sister Shari would wash the laundry and my younger sister, Kandi and I would hang them on the line outside.
There are so many ways to save money....just think before you spend.
We raise pedigreed Californian and Rex rabbits. We are members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. We are DIYers of many things and enjoy the outdoors. We are beginners at a lot of things, aiming at being experts, but happy with where we currently are.
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