Monday, September 30, 2013

We got our first litter of Champagnes yesterday. Although she lost two right away, she still has four. Not a great number, but she is taking good care of them, so we'll see.

Another box goes in for the first litter of Champagne/Creme cross. Once in awhile, we do crossbreed our rabbits. However, they are for meat only, none will be sold or kept for brood stock. We don't do it on a regular basis, but if the buck for that breed isn't up to doing his job or the doe doesn't like him, we will use another buck.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

We happily brought home two new additions today.

We have a blue Mini Rex jr doe we've named KJ, from Jerry Hicks. She has Cresthill, Compart and Redelman in her pedigree. She's very pretty:)

We also brought home Kaycee, a Rex Broken Castor jr doe, that we got from Justin Vincent at Walnut Lane Rabbitry. Kaycee is actually a granddaughter to our Mocha that has Double R, and Two Rivers in her background. Yeah!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New litter born to Ivy and Scooter. Looks like 1 otter, 2 solids and 4 broken.

Monday, September 16, 2013

We're very excited about our new purchase yesterday. We brought home a blue Mini Rex buck. We've named him Turbo:) He has an awesome pedigree with a lot of Grand Champions in his background. One great grandparent even had 17 Grand Champion legs, WOW! Lots of show critters and well known names from the show circuit. Very excited to have already bred him to one of our black and white does (with nice pedigree of her own). We should be getting some blues with this litter.

Friday, September 13, 2013

We've been busy in the rabbitry lately. We're working with potentials for an upcoming show (if we go, haven't decided yet for sure) We have a trio of Cremes for a meat pen and we have Casper, our Castor rex, for jr buck.

We have several  litters. Currently, we have
REX: Violet and Mocha with new litters just born in the last few days, Nibbles with 4 week old litter, and Ivy's box goes in tomorrow.
Cremes: Popcorn with 4 week old litter
Dutch: Ginger just had litter the other day and Lily with 3 week old litter

We have 3 boxes in for the mini rex, although I would be surprised if we get anything.

We also have several other does that are bred but are a ways out from kindling.  Everyone is doing a great job, looks good and they are all healthy. Can't ask for more than that.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hopefully, we're past the heat for a while. Maybe tomorrow I can get something else done instead of running back and forth to the rabbitry all afternoon.
Not real thrilled with the ketchup I made today. I think as I open them, I will add some brown sugar to it. I think it is too vinegary. I like my ketchup a little sweeter. Not a complete waste of time though.
Making some ketchup this morning. Trying to get it done before the heat of the day really kicks in.

I check rabbits about every hour during the hottest part of the day. If I think somebody needs to be brought into the house to cool down, they WILL be keeping me company:)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I have a facebook page as well as this blog. It's under Changing Winds Farm. Hope you like our page!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Seven more quarts of tomatoes are in the canner.

Puddles, the new baby goat is settling in. Mudd, our older goat, is showing her around and being her big brother.

Sunday, September 1, 2013