Monday, February 22, 2016

We brought home some new Havana rabbits yesterday from the Pekin show. We didn't show anything and really didn't take any time to meet anyone else, since we had a lot to do at home.
We now have a black buck, a broken black doe and a broken chocolate doe to add to our little Havana herd. Looking forward to building on our Havanas. Thank you to Katie and Brad Boyce, and Tiffany Bohlmann!

Monday, February 1, 2016

We've been contacted recently about buying rabbits from us. We do not currently have any rabbits for sale. I will list them on this website and our Changing Winds Farm facebook page when/if we decide to sell any.
We are trying a new breeding program with our rabbits this year. We are putting one doe with one buck for a week, then taking them out. The date the box will go in is noted for the first day the pair is put together and we will watch them for the week they are due. We've never done things this way before, but know a lot of breeders that do this, so thought we would try it. It will save me a LOT of time trying to breed when they are not really in the mood, lol.