Thursday, June 30, 2016

Rabbit Miscarriage

We have a doe that I have been keeping a close eye on for several weeks. She's been eating very little and not even drinking much considering how hot it's been.

I went to the rabbitry this morning and saw she had about five clumps of afterbirth under her pen. I also found a rabbit fetus. She was 23 days along. Obviously there was something wring with this pregnancy since they should have been a lot further developed than this.

Hopefully she passed everything she needed too so she doesn't have any further problems. 

I will put her box in when she was supposed to have it in and I will continue to watch her. 

The good news though, as soon as I put feed in her feeder she got right up to it and started eating.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

June update

It has been really hard to keep up with things around here. I need to paint the barn and rabbitry this summer but things keep coming up.

We need rain! It's been a month since we have had any significant rain. I feel like I spend most of my time trying to keep our garden from dying. The zucchini are about done in. We've gotten maybe a dozen zucchini but the plants are done. The cucumbers are coming on but not enough all at once yet to make any pickles. The green beans are coming on nicely. I may be picking them in the next few days and the tomatoes, I have to say, look awesome! We should get plenty of produce from them (knock on wood!)

Dewayne has had a few health issues the last few weeks and he's been home a lot. I'm not complaining, just wish it wasn't due to his health.

We have been spending more time with our kids and grandkids.  We went on a fishing/camping weekend a few weeks ago and all had a lot of fun. Hoping to do it again real soon.

We have 31 fryer rabbits we need to get processed. We need this meat for the freezers. As soon as Dewayne is feeling better, that is the top priority. It gets expensive feeding all of these rabbits longer than we need too. We should also get some nice hides to do up.

It's almost July and I am praying for a better least a healthier one!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I see it's been a while since I posted on here so thought I would give an update.

Our first Farm Stand in May went really well. I sold a lot of plants and goat milk soap. It actually surprised me to see how many people came to it with hardly any advertising done. The second sale in June didn't go as well since I only had the soap to sell, but It was pretty much what I expected.

All is going very well in the rabbitry. Litters from the first breedings have all been weaned and all does are bred for the second litters that will be coming soon. We have some nice bunnies out there! I am especially happy with the litter of Chocolate Havanas. Show potential in that bunch:) We will be looking and sorting through all bunnies for show potentials that will be shown this Fall, then added to the herd. We have several Cal does that need replacing.

The garden is in and growing nicely. We have a smaller garden this year so hopefully will be able to keep up with it better. Hoping for a productive year.

I've been selling eggs like crazy. The flock is doing wonderful. I sold the Buff Orpington rooster cause I got tired of him coming after me. He didn't do it all the time so I always had my guard up with him. I don't like that so he found a new home. I don't plan to raise Buffs anyway. The Columbian Wyandotte rooster has taken his place as the top guy of the flock. He is a really nice guy and handsome! I need to name him. The Cuckoo Marans are getting big. Turns out we had 3 pullets and 3 cockerals. They are NOT a smart bird. Hopefully it's just because they are still young. We have 5 new chicks that we hatched. First time hatching our own and it sort of flopped. Five is better than none. We will try again later on but I have enough to do around here and really don't want to mess with anything else.

On the personal side of our family, our youngest son just moved to the same county as us. I am very excited to have him closer to home. Half an hour drive is better than that 1-1/2 like before. We are all hoping we can do more camping and fishing soon as schedules allow.

Well, I guess that about sums things up for the last few months. The same ol thing around, work, work.