Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Another Life Change

We are in the beginning of another life change. Dewayne is no longer able to work his job. After all of these years, all of his injuries and ailments are catching up to him. We are now going from me staying at home and him being gone 60 hours a week to us both being at home. Of course, the income is about to change as well....that's the scary part. I know things will all work out in the end, it's just the in-between that is stressful. We've been through lots of things in the past, layoffs, injuries, illnesses, etc and we got through all of that, so it's time to do it again. Adapt and overcome.

Since we do what we do here on our little farm, I am not worried about going hungry. We have freezers stocked with rabbit and chicken that we have raised. We have our garden still and have some canned food, although I need to get some more done. I have already sold off 10 of the chickens, more can go if need be. Some of the older breeding rabbits that we have been giving one more chance to are do or die at this point. If they don't work, they go to the freezer.

I also know that we won't have to buy laundry soap, deodorant, soap, powder, salves for burns and cuts, even band-aids, since we know how to handle these things. Right now, we are enjoying the internet and you tube, since that may have to go in the near future. We haven't had cell phones for about 6 months and don't miss them at all. We can't do without water and electricity at this point but use the least amount that we can to keep the bills down. (Of course, we always do that since that is the way we were both raised, so I don't see those bills really changing much)

I know we will get through this time like we always have in the past,,,,,it will just take some time to make some changes and "Adapt and overcome."

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