Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Living the kind of life that we live can be so hard. Some days, like today, I feel sooooo overwhelmed. The garden has been completely taken over by weeds and it's so hard to get to the plants to harvest. We've already wasted (not really wasted, it goes to the critters) so much because I haven't taken the time to get to the garden. There always seems to be something that's more pressing. I need help! I need to hire me a "Weed Warrior" next year. Their sole purpose of being here will be to help weed the garden every week. Problem is, I need someone to work for free or trade for meat or garden produce, since I can't afford to pay someone.

There are so many things to keep up with here.

 I would really like to get some worms and meal worms going again (they died because I forgot about them, oops)  Both would be nice to raise for the chickens. I just don't know if it's worth it to add something else to my already to long of a list.
As it is, we recently bought a new incubator for when our roosters start doing their job and we are building a large brooder for the chicks we ordered that we will be getting next week. I am also trying to get all of our rabbits bred again. There are 13 total and they all need bred. Problem is, they don't want to! So that's very frustrating as well and I am feeling like I'm behind in EVERYTHING!!!!

I guess I need to go fix some coffee and think about the few things that ARE done instead of feeling sorry for myself and get my butt to work. Until next time......happy farming:)

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