Monday, April 11, 2016

What the Crap??

Doing morning chores yesterday, Dewayne found a litter of new Cals that were cold. The mother had not made a nest or pulled fur. She just had them, in the box which was a plus, but still had not covered them. He promptly got them in the house and tried to warm them. He got 2 back but lost the other three. We kept the two that came back in the house for a few hours to make sure they were good and warm. Later, I went out and made a nest in her box and put the babies in. Fingers crossed that she would take care of them.
This morning, both babies are dead, but now she is building a nest. She pulled fur and everything. What the crap?? This is the second doe this Spring to do the exact same thing. None of the does were bred over the winter so it was early last fall that we had any babies. I wonder if their instincts get messed up or something. Maybe their memory sucks or something; they haven't done it in awhile so they forgot the steps involved. Regardless of why it happened, we will rebreed and give them another chance. Both of these does have had litters before so hopefully all will be normal again the next time.

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